All items must be paid in full before shipping or pick up. No items can be shipped or taken on approval. Payment can be made by cashiers check, personal check, money order, or wire transfer. All funds must clear before shipping or pick up. The purchaser is responsible for charges associated with packing, shipping, and insurance. An estimate will be provided and any overage will be refunded.
No refunds, exchanges, or returns are accepted.
Every effort is made to picture, describe, and represent the item for sale in a fair and honest way. All known or suspected replacements or restoration will be fully disclosed.
All sales are final. When you pay for it you own it even if minor replacements or alterations are discovered later. Rifles have been expertly restored for decades and evidence is usually noticeable. However, in some cases detection may be difficult or impossible without disassembly, chemical testing, ultraviolet light, or x-ray technology. Examples: lock reconversions, inlay replacement, repairs to brass or iron mounts, and replacement using old original parts.
You are encouraged to inspect the item on site in person or have your representative inspect for you. Simple disassembly may be done during this inspection. Example: If removal of lock, barrel, or other parts can be done easily without damage to screws, pins, patina, metal, or surrounding wood this can be done prior to payment provided there is a commitment to purchase. Difficult disassembly may be done in person only after the item is paid in full. If disassembly provides clear proof of recent alteration, replacement, or enhancement a refund will be made. Example: Disassembly of specific portions of the rifle that are likely to cause damage to screws, pins, patina, metal or wood such as removal of rusted or frozen screws or pins holding lock, barrel, brass mounts, or inlays cannot be done prior to payment.
