Consignments will be accepted for sale on this website. Contact me for consignment details and restrictions.
If you have an old long rifle in any condition and can furnish pictures or bring the piece to me I will give you a verbal estimate of its value.
I will purchase original Kentucky rifles in any condition. Send pictures with a description. In most cases I will need to see the piece before purchasing.
I can advise and contract for restoration of your Kentucky rifle insuring that the work is done accurately and correctly. Most long rifles have some restoration because they were used long and hard. In the past 100 years many rifles have been over-restored, over-cleaned, refinished, enhanced, and some ruined by poor restoration.
If you are concerned about the originality or authenticity of your Kentucky rifle I can study the rifle and give you a written document outlining the condition of the piece. I will need to “live with” the rifle for a period of time sufficient to determine its originality. The fee is dependent on the number of hours required.